• Auffallende Farbkraft und einfache Farbabgabe • Auf der Basis von reinen Pigmenten, Mineralölen und Wachssorten • Besonders weich, kein Stäuben • Geeignet für diverse Untergründe
Die Cremigkeit einer wasserfesten Mine verbunden mit unvergleichlicher Lichtbeständigkeit: Exzellente Ergebnisse für die anspruchsvollsten Künstler, Designer, Architekten, künstlerischen Leiter…
Erstklassiges, FSC-zertifiziertes Zedernholz
Rund mit Kapsel in der Minenfarbe
Angabe der Farbnummer und -bezeichnung
Die Lichtbeständigkeit entspricht den höchsten internationalen Standards hinsichtlich der Lichtbeständigkeit der Farbstifte
Wasserfest und cremig
Durchmesser: 3,8 mm ermöglicht eine klare und präzise Strichführung
Maximale Deckkraft
Hohe Pigmentkonzentration für intensive Farben
Unendliche Mischmöglichkeiten, Schattieren, Schichtmalerei
Zur Kombination mit SUPRACOLOR® Soft Aquarelle zum Lavieren und für Aquarelleffekte
Oder kombiniert mit PABLO® für Details, Schraffurtechniken und zum Kolorieren vielfältiger Untergründe
Ein vielseitig verwendbares, farbloses Medium auf Öl- und Wachsbasis, das Farben vermischt, verbindet und intensiviert
Bei der Anwendung wird eine wasserfeste Schicht aufgetragen, die zusätzlich den Schutz vor UV-Strahlen erhöht
Hexagonale Form, sparsam im Gebrauch, 100 % wiederverwendbar
Flexible Anwendung: entweder wie einen Stift für kleine Arbeiten oder flach für große Flächen verwenden
Ideale Ergänzung zu Farb- und Graphitstiften sowie Wachspastellen von Caran d'Ache
Holbein Artists' Pencils are a range of soft and vivid artists' coloured pencils from leading arts manufacturer Holbein.
Each pencil has an extremely soft and buttery feel with a vibrant colour laydown. Holbein use high-grade pigments which exhibit little fading or discolouration by light. The mixture of oils, waxes and premium pigments result in a very thick layer of colour that is vivid and permanent.
Holbein Artists' Pencils pencil have a comfortable 7.8 mm round barrel with a thick 3.8 mm core, giving artists the ability to lay down a lot of colour at once. The pencils are pre-sharpened and require use with a good quality sharpener because of their softness. This softness and the richness of colours make these very good for colourful works or for enhancing aspects of a drawing that you want to stand out.
150 colours available.
Pigma Micron pens are waterproof and permanent fineliners that are loyally used by designers, scientists, archivers, manga artists, cartoonists, illustrators and hobbyists. It is the recommended pen for Zentangle. The fine nib makes this pen ideal for creating both technical and artistic drawings. PIGMA Micron comes in 10 nib sizes and in various colours for drawing precise lines with an archival ink.
Sennelier Pastels:
Transparent medium #221
5 ml
In 1949, Parisian painter Henri GOETZ approached Henri SENNELIER the famous artist materials manufacturer, about creating a wax colour stick for his friend Pablo PICASSO. Picasso, a long-time Sennelier customer and a frequent visitor to their store across the street from the Louvre museum, was looking for a medium that could be used freely on a variety of surfaces without fading or cracking.
Their collaboration produced the incomparable SENNELIER oil pastels. Originally available in a palette of classic hues, the colour selection was expanded with the addition of metallic and iridescent hues.
Beyond these classic hues a selection of unique shades is available, and in particular a gradation of greys, required for a balanced palette. This evolution is the fruit of a long-standing collaboration with European and North American painters, who have worked with our company in developing an exceptional palette of shades.
The Sennelier oil pastel is a product that makes use of the components used in all Sennelier colours: top quality pigme nts, an extremely pure synthetic binding medium and mineral wax. The pigments are ground with an inert, non-siccative binding medium that does not oxidise and that has no effect upon either film stability or surface. This base is then mixed with wax (neutral pH). The balance of this mix provides Sennelier oil pastels with a unique unctuousness and a creamy texture that allows for a great deal of freedom in pictorial expression.
The Sennelier oil pastels possess an extraordinarily high pigment content, thus providing them with a high colouring and covering potential, excellent brightness and a high degree of light stability (with the exception of metallic and fluorescent shades).
The remarkable properties of these components, along with their precise dosage, provide Sennelier oil pastels with unique properties, making the brand a world-recognised reference.
Colourchart Oilpastels.pdf
China Marker
Peel-Off Fettstifte
Die Mineist mit einem Papiermantel umwickelt, durch Ziehen am Faden lässt sich die Mine auf die gewünschte Länge bringen. Geeignet zum Schreiben und Zeichnen auf Glas, Kunststoff, Papier, Metall und allen glatten Oberflächen. Ungiftig gemäß PMA Zertifikat = ASTDM D4326
Die Qualität des Radierers und die Verwendung des richtigen Radierers sind entscheidend für optimale Radierergebnisse. Es gibt grundsätzlich zwei verschiedene Materialien, aus denen Radiergummis gefertigt werden: Kautschuk und Kunststoff. Alle Kautschuk-Radierer und auch ein Großteil der von Faber-Castell produzierten Kunststoff-Radierer sind LATEX-frei. Die ausgewogene Kunststoffmischung der Qualitätsradierer garantiert weiches und schmierfreies Radieren.
Für Blei- und Farbstifte geeignet
Qualitätsradierer für optimale Ergebnisse ohne zu schmieren
Polychromos artists' pencils are valued internationally by professionals and semi-professionals for their unsurpassed quality. The high quality standards of the Polychromos colored pencils shine through, whether they are used for graphics, artistic free style or for the exact rendition of plans.
Thick 3.8 mm lead
Soft, vibrant color laydown
High-quality acid-free pigments in bright colors, unsurpassed lightfastness
Water-resistant and smudgeproof
High break resistance due to Secural bonding process (SV)
Available as individual pencils or in various assorted sets
Eraser DUST-FREEThe quality of the eraser and using the right eraser are crucial for optimal erasing results. There are basically two different materials from which erasers are made: rubber and plastic. The Faber-Castell Dust-free plastic erasers do not contain any hazardous substances such as phthalates. The balanced plastic mixture of the quality eraser guarantees soft and smear-free erasing.product details Plastic eraser for clean and soft erasing DUST-FREE: Less eraser waste as the eraser residue rolls up Color: white and black
For demanding people who need quality and precision: Artists, illustrators, graphic designers, teachers as well as professional artists. A wide range of colouring options. Pencils in their purest form, so you can give free rein to your creativity when painting.Extensive colour palette for realistic illustrationsThe waterproof coloured pencils Pablo, designed by the Maison Caran d'Ache for artists and illustrators, are intended for colour drawings of the highest quality. The particularly precise Pablo leads are best suited for realistic depictions.The dry leads with a diameter of 3.8 mm and excellent covering power do not dust and offer a particularly large colour palette with 120 shades. Artists, draughtsmen and art teachers can rely on the exceptionally good lightfastness of the leads and their absolute opacity.Due to their high hiding power, the Pablo colour pencils are easy to use on a wide range of supports, from paper and cardboard with various surfaces to wooden boards. Thanks to their dense and velvety texture, the leads are suitable for shading, colour mixing and layered painting.The pencil shafts are fully lacquered and carry a capsule in the luminous shade of the lead.Made in SwitzerlandThe Pablo pencils are designed and manufactured in Caran d'Ache's Geneva workshops according to the criteria of the Swiss Made quality label and comply with the applicable ecological standards and certifications.
CASTELL 9000 - ein echter Klassiker unter den Bleistiften - wurde 1905 von Alexander Graf von Faber-Castell auf den Markt gebracht. Qualität und die feine Abstufung der Härtegrade haben ihn zum bevorzugten Arbeitsgerät von Künstlern und Zeichnern werden lassen. Seine Mine ist vollständig mit dem Holzmantel verleimt und deshalb besonders bruchgeschützt. Erhältlich ist der CASTELL 9000 in 16 verschiedenen Härtegraden und macht ihn damit zu einem idealen Bleistift für alle Anwendungen im technischen und künstlerischen Bereich.
Pastels – finest, extra-soft artists’ pastels, series 17
Pastel painting has enjoyed great popularity for centuries, uniting drawing techniques with an intense colour effect. The extra-fine pastels by Schmincke are as soft as velvet and silk with a particularly soft and intense colour application as a result of their formulation and the traditional production technique. The colour spectrum of 400 shades allows limitless artistic possibilities, whether used in their pure form on specialist pastel paper, in mixed-media techniques or also - on the special Schmincke primers - on canvas. A professional range of fixatives ensures that the observer can also enjoy the unique results over a long period.
Each stick is handmade individually – colours that are as soft as velvet and silk
400 brilliant and rich colours
Exceptionally strong colour application
Best, highly concentrated artists’ pigments
Minimum binder content
Maximum lightfastness
Unique colour mixtures and special colours
Brilliant colours as soft as silk and satin
Working with Schmincke pastels leads you back to the origin of colour. Our round sticks consists only of the finest artists’ pigments (without chalk!) and a minimum amount of binder. The binder content is so small that the medium-find ground pigments only just achieve a stable bond.
Traditionally crafted pastels
The unusual formulation, which guarantees a unique strong colour application, also requires an equally unique production process: Traditional Craftsmanship. In this traditional and time-consuming process, screw presses are used first to shape the pre-kneaded dough into round strands, which are then removed by hand and cut into the right length in wire-strung frames. The sticks are still damp and are left to dry in the air for 8 days before they are labelled by hand.
It is not possible to produce our pastels using machines because of the particularly fine formulation - the expensive sticks could break. The guaranteed consistency of quality and softness across all production cycles is crucial, which means that artists know that the colour will always have the same quality.
Unlimited variety of colour
The complete range includes 400 colour shades, divided into 75 colours which each have 5 grades: In addition to the pure colour (D), there is a black graduation (B) and 3 grades of white graduations (H, M, O). The balanced range is supplemented by a 10-step neutral grey series, 5 dark shades, gold, silver, 2 black shades, white and 5 special pearlescent shades for specific effects. This variety of colours is another sign of quality of the finest, extra-soft pastels by Schmincke.
Pastels should only be sprayed with specific fixatives (such as the Schmincke pastel fixative No. 50402) - used sparingly.
Neocolor II water-soluble wax oil pastels highlight the enormous innovative capabilities of the Maison Caran d’Ache. Created in 1972 as the continuation of the famous Neocolor I range, they offer boundless creative possibilities for artists and beginners alike.
Basing their work on the existing excellent qualities – exceptional coverage, smoothness and extreme lightfastness –, the craftsmen of the Manufacture added water solubility, a property greatly appreciated by connoisseurs of the Maison from all manner of artistic fields and from school age upwards.
Neocolor II can be used for all forms of creativity, ranging from drawings on dry or wet materials, monotypes, impregnation, wet drawing, glazing or rainbow gradation. With 84 colours, the entire range offers almost unlimited scope for the imagination, to the point where even experienced artists once more see things through the eyes of a child, thereby liberating the purest of all creative energies: that of the sheer wonderment evoked by colours.
Pigma Micron pens are waterproof and permanent fineliners that are loyally used by designers, scientists, archivers, manga artists, cartoonists, illustrators and hobbyists. It is the recommended pen for Zentangle. The fine nib makes this pen ideal for creating both technical and artistic drawings. PIGMA Micron comes in 10 nib sizes and in various colours for drawing precise lines with an archival ink.
Pigma Micron pens are waterproof and permanent fineliners that are loyally used by designers, scientists, archivers, manga artists, cartoonists, illustrators and hobbyists. It is the recommended pen for Zentangle. The fine nib makes this pen ideal for creating both technical and artistic drawings. PIGMA Micron comes in 10 nib sizes and in various colours for drawing precise lines with an archival ink.
Sign Pen - Faserschreiber
Der Pentel Sign Pen Faserschreiber – Klassiker seit 1963
Der Pentel Sign Pen zeichnet sich durch seine metallgefasste Acrylspitze aus, die besonders robust ist. Die extrem formstabile Spitze des Filzstifts sorgt für klare Linien und die brillante Tinte für kräftige Striche. Sowohl Grafiker als auch Vielschreiber wissen dies zu schätzen.
Das Gehäuse des Sign Pen ist zu 83% aus recyceltem Material gefertigt. Der Sign Pen aus dem Pentel Arts-Sortiment ist in zwölf Einzelfarben und im 5er-Set erhältlich (enthaltene Farben: Schwarz, Rot, Blau, Grün, Violett).
Faserschreiber mit satten Farben
hochwertige, formstabile Faserspitze in Metallfassung
besonders gut geeignet zum Skizzieren, Illustrieren und Zeichnen
Schreiblänge bis zu 600 m
Durchmesser der Faserspitze: 0,8 bis 2,0 mm
Produkt der RECYCOLOGY Serie, zu 83 % aus Recyclingmaterial
Der Erste seiner Art.
Der „Sign Pen“ war der erste Faserschreiber der Welt und kam 1963 auf den Weltmarkt – inzwischen ist er ein Kult-Klassiker.
Obwohl bereits mehr als 45 Jahre alt, gehört er weiterhin zu den absoluten Spitzenprodukten auf dem Markt. Mit dem Sign Pen sind schon viele wichtige Verträge und Dokumente unterzeichnet worden. Selbst in der Forschung und Raumfahrt, z.B. in der Gemini-Mission, durfte dieser Stift ein Wörtchen „mitschreiben“.
Der Sign Pen wird wegen seiner hochwertigen Verarbeitung, gleichbleibender Qualität und Farbbrillanz sehr geschätzt.
Die formstabile Acrylspitze ist metallgefasst, fasert nicht aus und garantiert jederzeit einen sauberen Strich. Die Tinte ist wasserfest.
Der Sign Pen ist der perfekte Begleiter für den täglichen Gebrauch, für Künstler, Designer und alle, die gerne schreiben, zeichnen und skizzieren. Er ist ein wahrer Alleskönner und der Profi unter den Faserschreibern.
Pigma Micron pens are waterproof and permanent fineliners that are loyally used by designers, scientists, archivers, manga artists, cartoonists, illustrators and hobbyists. It is the recommended pen for Zentangle. The fine nib makes this pen ideal for creating both technical and artistic drawings. PIGMA Micron comes in 10 nib sizes and in various colours for drawing precise lines with an archival ink.
The variety of uses of the Pitt Kreiden opens up a newly won drawing Freedom: The artists' crayons with the highest level of light resistance and luminosity are free of oil and grease and therefore easy to clean. Due to the square profile, the edges can be used to draw fine lines as well as the surfaces for extensive work. The use of different degrees of hardness as well as the blurring, scribbling and overlaying of color layers allow a variety of color mixtures and the finest color nuances in the white, bister, red chalk, sepia and black tonalities. Abrasion and color depth are variable by different character pressure.
After intermediate fixation new colors can be put on exactly. A fixation of the finished drawing is recommended. Chalk rests can be grated and then used to smudge or create larger ones Surfaces are used.
Sennelier Colour TEST PACKs
Eine Reihe von preiswerten Testzusammenstellungen, ideal um Qualität und Material kennen zu lernen.
Testpaket - 6 Mini Ölsticks
Testpaket - 6 Ölpastelle
Testpaket - RIVE GAUCHE feine Ölfarbe
Testpaket - Aquarellfarbe auf Honigbasis 5 x 10 ml Tuben
Testpaket - Aquarell Eisteigerst mit 6 x 1/2 Näpfchen (+6 leere Abteile)
Pigma Micron pens are waterproof and permanent fineliners that are loyally used by designers, scientists, archivers, manga artists, cartoonists, illustrators and hobbyists. It is the recommended pen for Zentangle. The fine nib makes this pen ideal for creating both technical and artistic drawings. PIGMA Micron comes in 10 nib sizes and in various colours for drawing precise lines with an archival ink.
Pigma ink, invented by Sakura over 25 years ago, continues to be the most reliable permanent ink on the market today. In the early 80’s, Sakura’s labs identified the need for an inexpensive drafting tool that used superior pigment-based ink instead of low-grade dye inks. The breakthrough came with the discovery of how to reduce the pigment particles to submicron size so that the ink flows evenly through the narrowest of pen nibs. Pigma easily outlasts and out-performs inks made by competitors who have tried to duplicate our ink technology. Having such a long history with this specialized ink, Sakura has been able to constantly improve on our formula resulting in the smoothest flow, the most pleasant colors, stable pigments, and practical writing instruments. Pigma has become the standard for what is defined as permanent ink, relied upon by those whose jobs depend on marks and notations that stand the test of time. The properties of Pigma ink create magic on paper for millions of users.What makes Pigma ink so special?In the early 80’s, Sakura’s scientists invented pigment-based Pigma ink to improve upon unstable dye-based inks available at the time. The superior pigment-based inks are more chemically complex and 100 times larger than dye molecules making the ink less susceptible to damage from :
UV rays
chemical degration
pollution from contact with oils and other chemicals on papers
Formulating a practical application for these larger pigment particles, however, was the obstacle that the researchers at Sakura had to overcome. Once the process was discovered how to reduce these particles to submicron size (1/25,000 of an inch), which allowed the ink to flow evenly through the narrowest of pen nibs, Pigma ink technology was created.Research and development helped to create the perfect ink. Sakura then further developed their ink to be technologically superior. Single color pigments are used to eliminate pigment separation, which translates to less fading and changing of color. The ink dries to a neutral pH, neither acidic nor alkaline, which protects the paper or material it is being used on. Since pigments by themselves do not guarantee that an ink is permanent, resins are added to make it waterproof which also make it universally compatible with other media such as watercolors, oils, acrylic paints, etc. The micron particles are small enough to remain stable within its water-based solvent, which promotes color shade consistency and smooth ink flow.
Produktinformationen "Rembrandt Soft Pastelle" Weiche Pastellkreide von Rembrandt • Hervorragende Farbabgabe • Intensive und reine Farben • Gute bis höchste Lichtechtheit • Sehr hohe Färbekraft durch hohe Pigmentkonzentration
• Frei von Pigmenten auf Basis der Metalle Blei, Cadmium und Kobalt. • Das komplette Sortiment besteht aus 218 Farben
Sakura Sorte:
Sakura farben:
49 Black (schwarz)
Sakura Identi Pen
Identi-Pen ist ein multifunktioneller Stift für fast alle Oberflächen. Mit eine Stiftspitze an beiden Stiftenden (fein und extra fein) können Sie präzise arbeiten und deutlich markieren. Identi-Pen kann auf Papier- und Kartonprodukten und nicht-porösen Oberflächen wie Metall, Glas, Werkzeuge, Sportgeräte, Reagenzgläser, Kunststoff und Holz verwendet werden.
Neocolor I water-resistant wax oil pastels are must-have medium much loved by artists, technical designers, teachers and Fine Art students alike. Internationally known by its own name and a pioneer in the field, Neocolor I revolutionised the world of drawing and art teaching from the time of its creation in 1952 in the Caran d’Ache workshops.
Its excellent coverage, the smoothness of texture, the luminosity of the 60 colours in the entire range, together with its resistance to water and extreme lightfastness, make it one of the pillars of the Geneva-based Manufacture.
The Neocolor I’s properties enable countless applications on all kinds of backgrounds or materials. Suited to endless forms of artistic expression – from strokes to flat-wash, sgraffito or hot-wax painting, its colours remain as luminous as ever on coloured or dark materials.