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Sennelier Oil Stick
This material allows oil painting to be approached differently. It extends the artist's freedom of expression, allowing a greater degree of spontaneity, of "expressionism". The Oil Stick is a composition of oil paint. A proportion of the oil is substituted with a neutral mineral wax, resulting in the stick appearance.These colours are of perfect quality: pure pigments are ground into vegetable oils (siccatives), selected for their low degree of yellowing with time. The choice and high concentration of pigments enables excellent light resistance to be achieved. These colours are applied discreetly to conventional oil painting supports (oil-proof or universal) and demand quality background preparation. Supports: canvas, canvas boards, laminated panels, paper. Solid oil paint should be applied in a relatively thin film (no more than 1mm). Layers can be overlapped, in the same manner as paste oil paint, and can, if necessary, be thinned with petroleum or turpentine. Before use, the surface film should be removed. This latter will re-form after a few days of non-use. Paint applied dries within 2 to 5 days depending on layer thickness and atmospheric conditions. A clear medium is available allowing transparency and glazing effects to be achieved. Solid artists' quality colours are available in opaque or transparent shades, depending on the shades of the pigments used. The product may be stored for extended periods of time and requires no special attention, apart from avoiding heat sources that may damage it.Once dry, the paint may be varnished like conventional oil paint, after a minimum drying period of 6 months, using an oil paint finishing varnish.

Content: 0.038 Piece (€191.84* / 1 Piece)

From €6.08*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Sennelier lAquarelle Aquarellfarben
Sennelier Aquarell Farbe: Titanweiss #116 PG 1 | Size: Half pan
HONEY-BASED WATERCOLOUR The roots of Sennelier watercolors are to be found in the Impressionist school. At that time, painters drew their inspiration from nature and set out to reproduce natural light. Watercolor technique offered spontaneity, lightness of touch, fluidity and transparency allowing a quick translation of a particular light, vibration or shape. Paul Cézanne, for instance, produced forty or so watercolors of the Mont Sainte Victoire in Provence. Earlier on in England and on the Normandy coast in France, William Turner had turned painting in watercolors as an art form in its own right and had even managed to produce genuine masterpieces. Since then watercolors have become an established part of the history of painting. Artists love them because of their radiance and their spontaneity. It is such a pleasure when the painter plays with the light of the paper and the brightness of fleeting, intense pigments as they glisten, come together and swirl around under his brush producing a whole host of different effects. A watercolor tailored to the needs of today's artists. We spent a long time working with many different artists to produce L'Aquarelle Sennelier. We consulted watercolorists from all over the world. A panel of professional painters carried out "blind" tests on a number of formulations. They clearly revealed what they were looking for: a watercolor which is luminous, brilliant and intense. L'Aquarelle Sennelier fulfils their every wish. A honey-based watercolor. Honey has many virtues: a symbol of light and sun, an emblem of poetry and science and has been used since Ancient times as a remedy for dry skin and to help heal wounds. This nectar is used in L'Aquarelle Sennelier not only as a preservative but as an additive giving incomparable brilliance and smoothness to the paint. Always striving for excellence, Sennelier has reworked its watercolor formula with increasing the amount of Honey in the paint to reinforce the longevity of the colors, their radiance and luminosity. Watercolors Made in France using traditional methods. L'Aquarelle Sennelier has been produced in the same way for more than a century using the best pigments and top quality Kordofan Gum Arabic as a bonding agent. This mix of natural ingredients produces colours which have a smooth, bright texture and offer lively, colourful shades. The Gum Arabic and honey combination offers incomparable quality of application, producing superb washes. Then, this base is mixed with pigments and carefully ground. Sennelier makes sure to wet the pigments in purified water (with no mineral salts) for 24 hours before mixing them in with the bonding agent. This improves the way in which the colours and bonding merge together, in turn bringing out the full beauty of the colours. Sennelier watercolors are ground in the traditional way using grindstones rotating slowly so as not to heat up the paste. This operation is carried out in several stages until the paste are as fine as possible thus getting rid of any particles which might impair the perfection of the wash. This exceptional and very high quality watercolor will help you make your works even more powerful due to the liveliness and purity of the hues. The colours mix together perfectly, offering superbly subtle shades. These smooth, intense colours will be a genuine pleasure to paint with. The addition of honey will allow the tubes and pans of Sennelier watercolors to stand up to the passing of time and each time you will paint with them you will be able to accurately translate the diversity of light shape and hues.

Sennelier oil sticks 96 ml
Die feste Form der Ölfarben, der "Öl-Stick", erlaubt eine völlig neue Technik und Malweise. Er erhöht die Spontanität des Künstlers und erlaubt ihm freien Umgang mit Farbe und Form, den Expressionismus. Eine in Stifte umgesetzte Ölfarbe. Ein Teil des Öles wurde durch neutrales Mineralwachs ersetzt, die dem Stick eine cremige Konsistenz verleihen.Diese Farben sind von extra-feiner Qualität: Die reinen Pigmente werden mit gut ausgesuchten, kaum gilbenden Planzenölen (Sikkativen) zermahlen. Die Auswahl und der hohe Anteil an Pigmenten bietet eine hervorragende Lichtbeständigkheit. Diese Ölstifte können direkt auf allen für Ölfarben geeigneten, traditionnellen Malgründen Anwendung finden, erfordern aber eine gute Vorbereitung des Untergrundes. Malgrund: Leinen, Baumwolle, Malkartons, grundierte Platten, Ölmalpapier. Die solide Ölfarbe in dünnen Schichten (maxi 1 mm) auftragen. Sie kann genauso wie die Ölfarbe in Paste schichtweise aufgetragen werden und, wenn nötig, mit Terpentin- oder Petroleumöl verdünnt werden. Vor Gebrauch muß die Haut entfernt werden, die sich immer neu bildet, wenn der Ölstift einige Tage nicht benutzt wird. Die Farbe trocknet innerhalb von 2 bis 4 Tagen, je nach Auftragsstärke und Wetterbedingungen. Es gibt ein farbloses Medium, um transparente und Glanzeffekte zu erzielen. Die extra-feinen, festen Ölstifte gibt es je nach Pigmenteigenschaft als gut deckende, sowie auch als lasierende Farbtöne. Dieses Produkt ist zeitbeständig und benötigt keine besonderen Maßnahmen; nur die Aufbewahrung in der Nähe von einem Heizkörper ist zu vermeiden.Oberflächenschutz wie bei traditionnellen Ölfarben nach 6 Monaten mit einem Schlussfirnis.

Content: 0.096 Piece (€175.00* / 1 Piece)

From €13.44*