Product information "Raphael KEVRIN cat's tongue 8772" Raphael oil painting brush "Kevrin" 8772 cat's tongue suitable for oil
Ideal for glazing, detailed work, completion, modeling and reworking
Hair properties are between red sable and bristle brushes
Seamless silver ferrule
Long, black lacquered handle with beige tip
Product information "Raphael KEVRIN flat brush 877" Raphael oil painting brush "Kevrin" 877 suitable for oil ideal for precise work, details and finishing work
hair properties are between red sable and bristle brushes
seamless silver ferrule
long, black lacquered handle with beige tip
Raphael Ölmalpinsel "Kevrin" 867
besonders feine Strichführung
ideal für die Ausarbeitung von Details, Schlussarbeiten und zum Retuschieren.
Haareigenschaften liegen zwischen Rotmarder- und Borstenpinsel
nahtlose Silberzwinge
langer, schwarz lackierter Stiel mit beiger Spitze
Product information "Raphael KEVRIN Flat short 8770" Raphael oil painting brush "Kevrin" 8770 short flat
suitable for oil
made of synthetic hair
seamless silver ferrule